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We happily take custom orders for parties, weddings and special occasions. 




(626) 280-0831


至尊系列 Supreme Series
1.至尊海鮮包 (8個)       Supreme Seafood Buns (8)                            23.99
2.至尊海鮮水餃 (12個)    Supreme Seafood Dumplings (12)                       13.99
3.至尊生煎包 (6個)       Supreme Pan-Fried Buns Stuffed with Pork (6)            17.99
4.至尊海鮮鍋貼 (10個)    Supreme Seafood Pot Stickers (10)                      13.99

包子系列 Steamed Buns
5.三鮮包 (8個)           Seafood Buns (8)                                     6.99
6.韭菜蝦仁包 (8個)       Shrimp & Leek Buns (8)                               6.99
7.豬肉包 (8個)           Pork Buns (8)                                        6.25
8.豬肉白菜包 (8個)       Pork & Cabbage Buns (8)                              5.99
9.豬肉韭菜包 (8個)       Pork & Leek Buns (8)                                 5.99
10.豬肉四季豆包 (8個)    Pork & Green Bean Buns (8)                            5.99
11.牛肉羊蔥包 (8個)      Beef & Onion Buns (8)                                6.99
12.生煎包 (6個)          Pan-Fried Buns Stuffed with Pork (6)                     5.99
13.韭菜盒子 (8個)        Fried Leek Dumplings (8)                              4.99
14.素白菜包 (6個)        Chinese Napa Buns (V) (6)                             4.99
15.素韭菜包 (6個)        Leek Buns (V) (6)                                    4.99
16.羊肉包 (8個)          Lamp Buns (8)                                       8.99
17.酸菜肉包 (8個)        Pork & Pickle Mustard Green Buns (8)                    6.99
18.豬肉蘿蔔包 (8個)     Pork & Carrot Buns (8)                              5.99
19.牛肉灌湯包 (8個)     Juicy Beef Steamed Dumplings (8)                      6.99

水餃(12) Dumplings 蒸餃(8) Steamed Dumplings 鍋貼(10) Pot Stickers
20.三鮮水餃              Seafood Dumplings                                   6.99
21.魚肉水餃              Fish Dumplings                                      6.99
22.韭菜蝦仁水餃          Shrimp & Leek Dumplings                             6.99
23.仙貝豬肉水餃          Scallop & Pork Dumplings                             6.99
24.豬肉白菜水餃          Pork & Cabbage Dumplings                            5.99
25.豬肉韭菜水餃          Pork & Leek Dumplings                               5.99
26.豬肉芹菜水餃          Pork & Celery Dumplings                              5.99
27.豬肉四季豆水餃        Pork & Green Bean Dumplings                         5.99
28.素白菜水餃            Chinese Napa Dumplings (V)                           4.99
29.素韭菜水餃            Leek Dumplings (V)                                  4.99
30.素蘿蔔水餃            Carrot Dumplings (V)                                 4.99
31.羊肉水餃              Lamp Dumplings                                     8.99
32.豬肉蘿蔔水餃          Pork & Carrot Dumplings                              5.99
33.豬肉酸菜水餃          Pork & Pickled Mustard Green Dumplings                6.99
34.牛肉水餃              Beef Dumplings                                     6.99

麵點系列 Others
35.豆沙包 (8個)          Red Bean Buns (8)                                   6.25
36.肉龍 (4個)            Steamed Pork Roll                                    5.99
37.美味花卷 (6個)       Good Taste Steamed Twisted Roll (6)                   3.99
38.揚州炒飯             Yang Chow Fried Rice                               5.99
39.蔥油餅              Onion Pancake                                   3.99
40.牛肉卷餅            Beef Roll                                       6.99
41.京東肉餅          Fried Pork Pancake                         5.99
42.發麵餅             Leavened Pancake                             2.99

麺系列 Noodles
43.魚丸湯麵             Fish Ball Noodle Soup                                 6.99
44.紅燒牛肉湯           Braised Beef Noodle Soup                              6.99
45.紅燒牛筋湯麵         Braised Beef Tendon Noodle Soup                        6.99
46.打滷麵               Pork with Noodles & Gravy                             5.75
47.番茄蛋面/湯麵        Tomato & Egg Noodle Soup                             5.75
48.炸醬麵/麻醬面        Noodle with Mince Pork Sauce/Sesame paste               5.25
49.榨菜肉絲湯麵        Noodle Soup with Preserved Vegetable & Pork             5.25
50.雪菜肉絲湯麵        Noodle Soup with Potherd Mustard & Pork               5.95
51.酸菜肉絲湯麵        Noodle Soup with Pickled Mustard Green & Shredded Pork   6.99
52.牛肉炒麵             Beef Chow Mein                                      6.99
53.雞絲炒麵             Chicken Chow Mein                                   6.99
54.蝦仁炒麵             Shrimp Chow Mein                                    6.99
55.素炒麵             Vegetarian Chow Mein (V)                                6.99

餡餅(小心湯汁)Pie (CAUTION! HOT JUICE!)
56.羊肉餡餅 (4個)       Lamp Pie (4)                                         8.99
57.三鮮餡餅 (4個)       Seafood Pie (4)                                        6.99
58.牛肉餡餅 (4個)       Beef Pie (4)                                          6.99
59.豬肉大蔥餡餅 (4個)   Pork & Green Onion Pie (4)                             5.99
60.豬肉白菜餡餅 (4個)   Pork & Cabbage Pie (4)                                5.99
61.豬肉韭菜餡餅 (4個)  Pork & Leek Pie (4)                               5.99
62.豬肉四季豆餡餅 (4個) Pork & Green Bean Pie (4)                           5.99
63.豬肉蘿蔔餡餅 (4個)   Pork & Carrott Pie (4)                                 5.99
64.豬肉芹菜餡餅 (4個)   Pork & Celery Pie (4)                                 5.99
65.韭菜雞蛋餡餅 (4個)   Leek & Egg Pie (4)                                  4.99
66.素白菜餡餅 (4個)     Chinese Napa Pie (V) (4)                              4.99
67.素蘿蔔餡餅 (4個)     Carrot Pie (V) (4)                                    4.99

開胃小菜 Appetizers
68.醬牛肉               Braised Beef with Soy Sauce                            4.99
69.麻辣三樣             Tripe, Pork Tripe,and Pig Ears Mixed (Spicy)               4.99
70.熗雙耳               Agaric & Tremella Fucitormis with Spicy Sauce             3.99
71.土豆絲              Shredded Potatoes                              2.99
72.涼拌海帶絲           Shredded Kelp with Soy Sauce                       2.99
73.涼拌腐皮              Tofu Skin with                                     2.99
74.清爽涼皮                                                                2.99
75.腐竹熗黃瓜            Tofu Skin & Cucumber                               2.99
76.泡菜                  Kimchi                                            1.99
77.豬耳\豬頭肉拌黃瓜      Marinated Cold Cucumber with Pork/Pig's Ear             4.99
78.紅油肚絲              Boiled Shredded Tripes with Chili Oil                  4.99
79.拍黃瓜                Marinated Cold Cucumber                            2.99
80.西芹熗木耳            Celery with Agaric                                 3.99

湯類 Soups
81.魚丸湯               Fish Ball Soup                                      6.99
82.番茄蛋花湯          Tomato & Egg Soup                              2.99
83.紫菜蛋花湯          Seaweed & Egg Soup                              2.99
84.酸辣湯               Hot & Sour Soup                                     3.99
85.小餛飩               Pork Wonton Soup                                    4 .99
86.蝦仁餛飩             Shrimp Wonton Soup                                  5.99
87.玉米粥               Corn Porridge                                       0.99

冷凍水餃些列 Frozen Dumplings To Go
88.豬肉白菜水餃 (50個)   Pork & Cabbage Dumplings (50)                       15.00
89.豬肉韭菜水餃 (50個)   Pork & Leek Dumplings (50)                          15.00
90.三鮮水餃 (50個)       Seafood Dumplings (50)                              25.00
91.魚肉水餃(預定)(50個) Fish Dumplings (Pre-order) (50)                        25.00
92.至尊冷凍水餃 (50個)   Supreme Seafood Dumplings (50)

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